
Yesterday, ECAI Chairs announced that the paper entitled "Lifted Heuristics for Timeline-based Planning" authored by Riccardo De Benedictis and Amedeo is in the list of Distinguished papers at 

It's our pleasure to announce that Child Neuropsychology has recently published a research article authored by Dr. Laura Sparaci (ISTC LaCAM).

National Emergency Library to ProvideDigitized Books to Students and the Public


This is a survey for all services developing/practicing Open Dialogue worldwide to describe their organizational characteristics.

This webinar presented PROTON-S and PROTON Wizard, two of t

This is a postgraduate

There is an increasing amount of interest in Open Dialogue around the world.

An International collaborative multicentre researchto support the Open Dialogue Learning Community

A research team from the University of Sheffield and the Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies (ISTC) of the National Research Council (CNR) has discovered, thanks to a mathematical mode

Intervista ad Amedeo Cesta comparsa sull'inserto Robinson di La Repubblica in cui parla di possibili scenari futuri per l'intelligenza artificiale.

Breve intervista su Pixel e su TG3 delle 19 del Direttore di ISTC, Rino Falcone, sui pericoli rappresentati dalle armi intelligenti.

Importanti avanzamenti nella diagnosi della malattia di Alzheimer grazie ad analisi ottimizzate (attraverso PET) del metabolismo cerebrale.