Social Simulation Award dedicated to the memory of Rosaria Conte
Dear all,
Every two years starting 2016, the European Social Simulation Association gives its (symbolic) Outstanding Contribution to Social Simulation Award, dedicated to the memory of Rosaria Conte, one of the Society’s founding members. The awardee is decided by the ESSA Management Committee, based on nominations received from members. The first award was made to Nigel Gilbert, and the second to Uri Wilenski. To nominate someone, send a PDF of no more than 2000 words in length outlining the case for awarding the nominee. The nominee does not need to be a member of ESSA, nor a European researcher, and they don’t even have to be currently active in social simulation or in research. However, they cannot be a member of the current Management Committee. The case for the award needs to make clear both of the following:
- The nominee’s outstanding research in social simulation: We are not particularly interested in h-factors, citation counts or other metrics. Neither is a long track-record of publishing high-quality and/or influential articles in social simulation necessary – it could be on the basis of a few exceptional publications that really stand out. At this level of recognition, there must be clear and compelling evidence that the individual has significantly influenced the directions of groups and organizations beyond those where they were employed.
- The nominee’s contribution to the social simulation community: In addition to outstanding research, we are looking for an argument that the individual has made a significant contribution to the social simulation community. This could be for such things as reviewing for JASSS, supervising PhDs in social simulation, organizing special issues in other journals, organizing training courses, organizing conferences or workshops, providing teaching materials, contribution of software and/or methods. How has the individual helped ‘advance the cause’ of social simulation?
The Management Committee makes its decision based on the cases received, so it is up to the nominator to ensure that the supporting case provides all necessary evidence of the candidate’s impact. The Management Committee reserves the right not to make the award if no suitable candidates are nominated.
In recognition of the effort involved preparing nominations, and to encourage submissions, nominators who are not members of the Management Committee will be entitled to free membership of the Society for the year 2020. In cases where nominations are prepared by more than one person, none of whom are members of the Management Committee, a single individual should be clearly identified as the person who led the preparation of the nomination, and who will receive free membership of ESSA for 2020.
Nominations should be received by the President ( in an email with the subject ‘ESSA Outstanding Contribution Nomination’ before 23:59 UTC on Sunday 15 March 2020. The winner will be announced at the 2020 conference in Milan.
With best wishes,
Gary Polhill
President of ESSA
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