Handwriting in primary school: comparing standardized tests and evaluating impact of grapho‑motor parameters

In this new article, published in Reading and Writing, Sparaci and colleagues compare and analyze for the first time different standardized test for the assessment of grapho-motor skills in primary school children in Italy. Results allow a better understanding of agreement between tools currently used by clinicians and researchers, while also highlighting current difficulties encountered by primary school children with specific handwriting parameters such as letter joints and alignment. Sharedlt link: https://rdcu.be/dLsCU
Sparaci, L., Fantasia, V., Bonsignori, C., Provenzale, C., Formica, D. & F., Taffoni
Handwriting in primary school: comparing standardized tests and evaluating impact of grapho‑motor parameters
Reading & Writing, DOI: 10.1007/s11145-024-10562-3