
Vi annunciamo con piacere la pubblicazione di uno Special Issue della Rivista di Psicolinguistica Applicata, edito da Laura Sparaci e Pasquale Rinaldi, “Embodying pretense: pretend play and language in typical and atypical development”. In questo numero speciale è stato chiesto a 13 ricercatori provenienti da diverse aree disciplinari (es. filosofia, psicologia dello sviluppo, pedagogia) come l'approccio enactive e embodied alla cognizione puo' ampliare le nostre prospettive sul rapporto tra linguaggio e gioco di finzione.
What is the impact of enactive approaches to cognition on our understanding of the relation between pretend play and language in development?  In this Journal of Applied Psycholinguistics’ Special Issue, edited by Dr. Sparaci and Dr. Rinaldi, we asked 13 researchers from multiple fields (e.g. philosophy, developmental psychology, education) to present their original viable answers to this core question in 6 different essays. Each essay tackles this issue from a different viewpoint, contributing towards building a better understanding of child play.

Central European University's summer school (http://summer.ceu.hu/self-2012) invites applications from graduate students, junior faculty