Workshop "Towards Fully Autonomous Robots: Challenges for AI Planning in Robotics" - ERF 2017


ERF 2017 - 22nd of March 2017 - 14:00 15:30 - Edinburgh, U.K.

Organizers: Alberto Finzi (Naples University "Federico II", Italy), Michael Hofbaur (Joanneum Research Center, Austria), AndreA Orlandini (Contact Person - CNR-ISTC, Italy), Daniele Magazzeni (King's College London, UK)

Robotics is one of the most appealing and natural application area for the Artificial Intelligence (AI) research community. Advances in Automated Planning and Scheduling (P&S) research in Robotics applications are fostering key enabling technologies such as, for instance, decisional and long term autonomy, adaptability, interaction ability, dependability, and (more in general) cognitive abilities in Robotic platforms. In light of the accelerated progress and the growth of economic importance of advanced robotics technology, it is essential for the P&S and Robotics research communities to respond to the challenges that these applications pose and contribute to the advance of intelligent robotics.

This ERF Workshop constitutes a follow up of a scientific initiative, named PlanRob, started within the Planning and Scheduling (P&S) research community with the twofold aim of creating a common long-term forum where researchers from both P&S and Robotics communities can discuss about common interests and efforts, figure out shared challenges and discuss expectations about future developments. In this perspective, the aim of this ERF workshop is to bridge the gap between researchers and practitioners in P&S and Robotics, pushing recent technological advancements out of the laboratories for deploying a new generation of Intelligent Robots endowed with flexible, adaptive and goal-oriented behaviors, long-term autonomy, advanced interaction with humans in structured collaborative activities. 

The workshop aims at:

Introducing early results from ongoing research projects:
-Early results are characterized as being developed and as having been validated as a simple proof in the lab (TRL3)
- The purpose is to give the researcher/developer feedback w.r.t. to results, potential enablers, restrictions, etc.

Present developed P&S technologies for Planning and Execution, Integrated Task/Path/Motion Planning, Human-Robot Interaction/Collaboration, etc.
-Developed technologies are to be elaborated using a project’s demonstrator as an example application (TRL 5/6)
-The purpose is to inform the community of emerging technologies that may soon be available on the market. The presented commercialization should also serve as an example to other projects on how to turn a research result into an innovation (commercial product/service).

Present and Discuss future steps for effective deployment of P&S and Robotics Applications
-Explore possible synergy effects between different projects and other on-going research/technology developments, standardization effort.

Discuss the compatibility of the solutions to be developed by projects with regard to each other, as well to the general EU MAR and other technologies on the market.

Session Program

14:00-14:10 Session presentation (Motivations & relation to the MAR)

== Invited talks ==
14:10-14:20 Alessandro Saffiotti, Orebro University, Sweden - Planning for robots: case studies from some EU projects
14:20-14:30 Daniele Nardi, Sapienza University, Italy - Symbiotic Human Robot Planning
14:30-14:40 Michael Beetz, Bremen University, Germany - Cognition enabled control for everyday manipulation
14:40-14:50 Amit Kumar Pandey, SoftBank Robotics, France - Planning in Social Human-Robot Interaction: an Industrial Perspective through some commercial use cases 

= Projects showcase =

15:00-15:05 Nick Hawes, Birmingham University, UK - STRANDS (FP7 - ICT)
15:05-15:10 Alberto Finzi, Naples University "Federico II", Italy – SHERPA (H2020 – ICT)
15:10-15:15 Daniele Magazzeni, King's College London, UK – SQUIRREL (FP7 – ICT)
15:15-15:20 Andrea Orlandini, National Research Council, Italy – FourByThree (H2020 – FoF) 

15:25-15:30 Concluding remarks (Wrap up & conclusion)

Non definito