RINVIATO (POSTPONED) Decisions about decisions
As the Danish physicist Niels Bohr once said "prediction is very difficult, especially if it's about the future". It is often difficult to foresee the consequences of our own action. In these uncertain times is important to renew our interest in a biological understanding of how, as humans, we make choices and more importantly how we can learn from our own mistakes through introspection. This workshop will bring together scholars from UCL and the CNR in Rome together with other leading figures from other EU Countries to discuss the most recent advances in the field of decision making and metacognition, fostering future synergic collaborations.
Our workshop intends to 1) survey the most important recent advancements, as well as the open questions, at the interface between decision-making and metacognition (“decisions about decisions”); 2) introduce a new audience to successful examples of the application of mathematical theories of decision-making and metacognition in psychology and cognitive neuroscience; 3) foster a debate between mathematical modellers, cognitive scientists and neuroscientists that are active in this new interdisciplinary area of research; and 4) make concrete steps towards a unified perspective on decision-making and metacognition, which links mathematical theory to empirical evidence.
The workshop will take place at the Aula Marconi of the National Research Council (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, https://www.cnr.it/en/reach-headquarters) on the 12th and 13th of March 2020*.
This workshop is free but reservation is necessary since there are limited places. If you have to cancel your registration please let us know to m.zurita@ucl.ac.uk, so we can give that space to someone else interested.