I give you a cup, I get a cup: A kinematic study on social intention

While affordances have been intensively studied, the mechanisms according to how their activation is modulated by context are poorly understood. We investigated how the Agent[U+05F3]s reach-to-grasp movement towards a target-object (e.g. a can) is influenced by the other[U+05F3]s interaction with a second object (manipulative/functional) and by his/her eye-gaze communication. To manipulate physical context we showed participants two objects that could be linked by a spatial relation (e.g. can-knife, typically found in the same context), or by different functional relations. The functional relations could imply an action to perform with another person (functional-cooperative: e.g. can-glass), or on our own (functional-individual: e.g. can-straw). When objects were not related (e.g. can-toothbrush) participants had to refrain from responding. In order to respond, in the giving condition participants had to move the target object towards the other person, in the getting condition towards their own body.When participants (Agents) performed a reach-to-grasp movement to give the target object, in presence of eye-gaze communication they reached the wrist[U+05F3]s acceleration peak faster if the Other previously interacted with the second object in accordance with its conventional use. Consistently participants reached faster the MFA when the objects were related by a functional-individual than a functional-cooperative relation. The Agent[U+05F3]s getting response strongly affected the grasping component of the movement: in case of eye-gaze sharing, MFA was greater when the other previously performed a manipulative than a functional grip. Results reveal that humans have developed a sophisticated capability in detecting information from hand posture and eye-gaze, which are informative as to the Agent[U+05F3]s intention. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.

Tipo Pubblicazione: 
Author or Creator: 
Scorolli, Claudia
Miatton, Massimiliano
Wheaton, Lewis A.
Borghi, Anna Maria
Pergamon Press., Oxford, Regno Unito
Neuropsychologia (Print) 57 (2014): 196–204. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2014.03.006
info:cnr-pdr/source/autori:Scorolli, Claudia; Miatton, Massimiliano; Wheaton, Lewis A.; Borghi, Anna Maria/titolo:I give you a cup, I get a cup: A kinematic study on social intention/doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2014.03.006/rivista:Neuropsychologia (Pri
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