Behavioral Implicit Communication (BIC): Communicating with smart environments via our practical behaviors and its traces

A crucial part of the intelligence that smart environments should display is a specific form of social intelligence: the ability to read human’s behavior and its traces in terms of the underlying intentions and assumptions. Such ability is crucial to enable human users to tacitly coordinate and negotiate with smart and proactive digital environments. In this paper, we argue that the necessary tool for this is behavioral and stigmergic implicit (i.e. non-conventional) communication. We present the basic theory of such a fundamental interactive means: the theory of Behavioral Implicit Communication (BIC).

Tipo Pubblicazione: 
Author or Creator: 
Castelfranchi C.
Pezzulo G.
Tummolini L.
2 (2010): 1–12.
info:cnr-pdr/source/autori:Castelfranchi C.; Pezzulo G.; Tummolini L./titolo:Behavioral Implicit Communication (BIC): Communicating with smart environments via our practical behaviors and its traces/doi:/rivista:/anno:2010/pagina_da:1/pagina_a:12/interval
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