The iCubLab: description
General description. LOCEN has acceses to an iCub Lab having 2 iCub robots, one under the responsibility of Gianluca Baldassarre, and one under the responsiblity of Stefano Nolfi. The lab has a size of about 5x6 meters and enough space to host the experiments with the robots.
Materials of Lab. The lab has all that is need to run experiments with the two robots, in particular:
- 2 iCub robots
- 1 portable computer for each robot hosting the robot Yarp interface system
- 1 desk computer for each robot to host the controllers of the robot and the tests used to run the experiments with the robots
- Soft and hard tables to hold objects to be manipulated by robots
- Various objects to use to test the robots
Access to Lab and collaborations. Referring to the iCub robot under the responsibility of Gianluca Baldassarre, this robot is mainly used by the LOCEN research group and foreign collaborators of the group that periodically visit the Lab for few days/weeks/months. LOCEN is open to research collaborations employing the robot and involving students and researchers. In particular we are open to collaborate with people who have an engineering or computer science background, or other background and interests, that give them the knowhow and ability to work on this expensive and sophisticated robot.
The iCubLab: pictures