MindRACES: from Reactive to Anticipatory Cognitive Embodied Systems
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement, ID FP6-511931
Mind RACES is a three-year EC funded project (Sixth Framework Programme - Information Society and Technologies - Cognitive Systems) involving 8 Partners. It is mainly focused on the concept of Anticipation. The project started on October 1st 2004 and was formally completed on December 2007.
The general goal of the Mind RACES project is to investigate different anticipatory cognitive mechanisms and architectures in order to build Cognitive Systems endowed with the ability to predict the outcome of their actions, to build a model of future events, to control their perception anticipating future stimuli and to emotionally react to possible future scenarios. Such Anticipatory Cognitive Systems will contribute to the successful implementation of the desired ambient intelligence.
After 3 years of research (see the Final EU Commission Report) the 7 Partners of MindRACES Consortium produced more than 80 publications, different robotic and software artefacts and important events, such as ABIALS 2008 and the Fall Symposium 2005, that show the importance of the Anticipation in various cognitive contexts.