Angelo Oddi [M.S. Electronic Engineering 1993, Ph.D. Medical Computer Science 1997] is a Senior Researcher of the Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies of the Italian National Research Council (ISTC-CNR). His research work focuses on Artificial Intelligence (AI), in particular planning & scheduling, constraint-based reasoning, learning and the design of autonomous systems for real-world applications. He has published more than 70 papers, both in journals, book and peer-reviewed international AI conferences. Dr. Oddi has been in the program committee of several international conferences (ICAPS, ECAI, AAAI, IJCAI) and was Conference Chair of the International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling 2013 (ICAPS-2013), Rome, June 10-14, 2013. He participated in several national and international projects; in particular, he was national coordinator of the FIRB VISEL project (MIUR – Italian Ministry of Education University and Research – funds) aimed to develop a Deaf-centered E-Learning Environment (DELE). He has been involved in the realization of the MEXAR2 and RAXEM systems (2005-2012) dealing with the automatic generation of downlink/uplink plans for the European Space Agency (ESA) Mars-Express mission. Relatively to the MEXAR2 system, he acted as technical director and is still responsible for its maintenance (2014-2022). He has been the coordinator of the IMPACT project (Intrinsically Motivated Planning Architecture for Curiosity-driven roboTs) funded by ESA within the Innovation Triangle Initiative (ITI) 2017 program and recently held the position of head of the study funded by the Ariadna program of the ESA "Meta-Heuristic Algorithms for the Quantum Circuit Compilation Problem".