Aldo Gangemi is Full Professor at University of Bologna. From November 2019 until November 2023 he was Director of the Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies of the CNR, where he founded the Laboratory of Semantic Technologies [3] in 2008. His research focuses on Semantic Technologies as an integration of methods from Knowledge Engineering, Semantic Web, Linked Data, Cognitive Science, and Natural Language Processing. His theoretical interests concentrate upon the representation and discovery of knowledge patterns across data, ontologies, natural language, and cognition, using hybrid symbolic/sub-symbolic methods. Applications domains include Cultural Heritage, Robotics, Medicine, Law, eGovernment, Agriculture and Fishery, and Business. He has published more than 250 papers in international peer-reviewed journals, conferences and books (Scholar H-index=57), and seats as EiC or EB member of international journals (Semantic Web, Web Semantics, Data Semantics, Applied Ontology), conference chair (EKAW2008, WWW2015, ESWC2018/9), and has coordinated research teams in 8 EU projects. He is member of the Board of Directors at IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca.