ICAPS influential paper award 2016

The paper from Nicola Policella, now at the European Space Agency at that time PhD student at ISTC-CNR, together with Steve Smith (CMU), Amedeo Cesta (ISTC-CNR) and Angelo Oddi (ISTC-CNR) published at ICAPS 2004 has been awarded the honorable mention as the Influential Paper Award at ICAPS (06/12/2016). The award concerns papers that appeared in ICAPS 10 years before (this year target is the period 2004-2005).
Below is the official message:
Dear Nicola, Steve, Amedeo, & Angelo,
It is my great pleasure to inform you that the ICAPS Awards Committee has named your paper
Nicola Policella, Stephen F Smith, Amedeo Cesta, Angelo Oddi, "Generating Robust Schedules through Temporal Flexibility" (ICAPS 2004)
as an honourable mention for the 2016 ICAPS Influential Paper award! Congratulations!
This year the committee chose one winner and two honourable mentions:
Malte Helmert, "A Planning Heuristic Based on Causal Graph Analysis" (ICAPS 2004)
Two honorable mentions (in arbitrary order):
Nicola Policella, Stephen F Smith, Amedeo Cesta, Angelo Oddi, "Generating Robust Schedules through Temporal Flexibility" (ICAPS 2004)
John L. Bresina, Ari K. Jónsson, Paul H. Morris, Kanna Rajan, "Activity Planning for the Mars Exploration Rovers" (ICAPS 2005)
Committee Members: Martin Mueller (chair), Scott Sanner, David Smith.
Administrative details will come later, but I wanted to let you know since I will be announcing it on the Council list soon (where Angelo, of course, will see it) and after that it will probably start leaking out.
J. Christopher Beck, PhD, LEL
Professor, Industrial Engineering