Light 2014
26 Sep 2014 - 17:00 to 23:59
Rome, Museo Civico di Zoologia
Within the context of the European Researchers' Night, Vito Trianni from ISTC-CNR will be present with a stand at the Italian event Light 2014, where videos and live demonstrations will be organised.
The theme of the demonstrations revolves around the concept of collective phenomena, from coordinated motion to distributed decisions. Robot will be the main attractions, to show how the power of collectives can be translated in efficient algorithms for coordination and collaboration in robotic swarms.
Light 2014 has the main goal of reaching the general public to promote scientific and technological achievements. Three main objectives are sought:
- diffuse a realistic picture of the scientific enterprise, fighting stereotypes about scientists and their daily life
- maximising the outreach of research studies by promoting the latest scientific and technological achievements to the large public
- focus on the relevance of research and its relationship with daily problems and societal challenges</li>