Q2Stress: A database for multiple cues to stress assignment in Italian
Spinelli, Giacomo°, Sulpizio, Simone^, & Burani, Cristina*
° Western University, London, Ontario, Canada
^ University Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milano
* Institute for Cognitive Sciences and Technologies, National Research Council (CNR), Rome
Q2Stress is a database for Italian containing information about multiple cues readers may use in assigning stress. Specifically, the database offers type and token frequency measures of stress patterns as a function of number of syllables, grammatical category, word beginnings, word endings, and consonant-vowel structures. Data for both adults (derived from PhonItalia: Goslin, Galluzzi, & Romani, 2014) and children (derived from Lessico Elementare: Marconi, Ott, Pesenti, Ratti, & Tavella, 1993) are available. Q2Stress may help researchers to answer empirical and theoretical questions about stress assignment and the orthography-to-phonology relation in reading. Q2Stress is designed as a user-friendly resource, as it comes with scripts allowing researchers to explore and select their own stimuli according to several criteria as well as summary tables for overall data analysis.
The files are available for free
For a detailed description, see
Spinelli, G., Sulpizio, S., & Burani, C. (2017). Q2Stress: A database for multiple cues to stress assignment in Italian. Behavior Research Methods, 49, 2113-2126.
For further information, please contact Dr. Giacomo Spinelli, giacomospinelli190190@gmail.com