Deploying Interactive Mission Planning Tools - Experiences and Lessons Learned

This article contains a retrospective overview of connected work performed for the European Space Agency (ESA) over a span of 10 years. We have been creating and refining an AI approach to problem solving and have infused a series of deployed planning and scheduling systems which have innovated the agency's mission planning practice. The goal of this paper is to identify strong features of this experience, comment on general lessons learned and offer guidelines for work practice of the future. Specifically, the work considers some key points that have contributed to strengthening the effectiveness of our approach for the development of an end-to-end methodology to field applications: the attention to domain modeling, the constraint-based algorithm synthesis and the relevance of user interaction services.

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Author or Creator: 
Cesta, Amedeo
Cortellessa, Gabriella
Fratini, Simone
Oddi, Angelo
Bernardi, Giulio
Fuji Technology Press, Tokyo , Giappone
Journal of advanced computational intelligence and intelligent informatics (Online) 15 (2011): 1149–1158.
info:cnr-pdr/source/autori:Cesta, Amedeo; Cortellessa, Gabriella ; Fratini, Simone ; Oddi, Angelo ; Bernardi, Giulio/titolo:Deploying Interactive Mission Planning Tools - Experiences and Lessons Learned/doi:/rivista:Journal of advanced computational inte
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