Cortico-subcortical metabolic correlates of olfactory processing in healthy resting subjects

A wide network of interconnected areas was previously found in neuroimaging studies involving normal as
well as pathological subjects; however literature seems to suffer from a lack of investigation in glucose
metabolism behaviour under olfactory condition. Thus, the present work describe for the first time a pure
olfactory related brain response of metabolism by using 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose-Positron Emission
Tomography/Computer Tomography in eleven resting subjects undergoing a neutral and a pure olfactory
condition. By contrasting these experimental phases, it was possible to depict a re-organization pattern of
default mode network structures in a relatively ecological environment. Moreover, by correlating such
pattern with a battery of validated olfactory and neuropsychological tests, our work allowed in showing
peculiar correlation data that could cluster the subjects sample in a certain range of normality. We believe
the present study could integrate the current knowledge in olfactory research and could be a start-up for
future contributions.

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Author or Creator: 
Alessandrini, Marco
Micarelli, Alessandro
Chiaravalloti, Agostino
Candidi, Matteo
Bruno, Ernesto
Di Pietro, Barbara
Schillaci, Orazio
Pagani, Marco
Nature Publishing Group, London , Regno Unito
Scientific reports (Nature Publishing Group) 4 (2014). doi:10.1038/srep05146
info:cnr-pdr/source/autori:Alessandrini, Marco; Micarelli, Alessandro; Chiaravalloti, Agostino; Candidi, Matteo; Bruno, Ernesto; Di Pietro, Barbara; Schillaci, Orazio; Pagani, Marco/titolo:Cortico-subcortical metabolic correlates of olfactory processing i
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ISTC Author: 
Marco Pagani's picture
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