Agent simulation of peer review: the PR-1 model

Peer review lies at the core of current scientic research. It is composed of a set of social norms, practices and processes that con-nect the abstract scientic method with the society of people that apply the method. As a social construct, peer review should be understood by building theory-informed models and comparing them with data collec-tion. Both these activities are evolving in the era of automated com-putation and communication: new modeling tools and large bodies of data become available to the interested scholar. In this paper, starting from abstract principles, we develop and present a model of the peer review process. We also propose a working implementation of a subset of the general model, developed with Jason, a framework that implements the Belief-Desire-Intention (BDI) model for multi agent systems. After running a set of simulations, varying the initial distribution of reviewer skill, we compare the aggregates that our simplied model produces with recent ndings, showing how for some parameter choice the model can generate data in qualitative agreement with measures

Publication type: 
Contributo in atti di convegno
Author or Creator: 
Grimaldo, Francisco
Paolucci, Mario
Conte, Rosaria
Springer, London, GBR
Multi-Agent-Based Simulation, XII International Workshop, MABS 2011. Proceedings, pp. 1–14, Taipei, Taiwan, 2-6 May 2011
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ISTC Author: 
rosaria.conte's picture
Real name: 
Mario Paolucci's picture
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