LOCEN MechLab: Laboratory of Mechatronics

The MechLab: description


General description. LOCEN has acceses to a Mechatronic Lab (``MechLab'') shared with other people of CNR-ISTC. The lab has a size of about 6x12 meters and enough space and equipment to host activities on electronic material and experiments with robots.

Materials of Lab. The lab has a wide range of tools and materials to support the contruction of mechatronic devices, in particular:

  • Workdesks with jaws
  • Workshop hand tools: screw drives, pliers, wide range of keys
  • Workshop mechanic elements: nails/screws, hinges, metal components
  • Vertical electric drill, circular saw, polisher
  • Electronic testers
  • An Oscilloscope
  • Electric compoents: wires, resistors, boards,  sensors, transducers, actuators
  • Arduino boards
  • Various robots: Pioneers, ePuk, s-bots, custom robots

Access to Lab and collaborations. The Lab is accessible by LOCEN research group components and by other few research groups of ISTC-CNR with specific authorisation. Foreign collaborators of LOCEN periodically visit the Lab for few days/weeks/months. LOCEN is open to research collaborations employing the Lab and involving students and researchers who have an engineering or computer science background, or other background and interests, that give them the knowhow and ability to profitably collaborate with LOCEN.

The MechLab: pictures


Examples of devices producted in the laboratory


Hand-made mobile robots developed in the lab


The +me device


An antropomorphic McKibben muscle arm