Violence between siblings: A neglected issue|La violenza tra fratelli e sorelle: Un problema sottovalutato

Over the past 30 years the study of family violence has made tremendous progress. The same cannot be said of the violence that occurs between brothers/sisters. Yet recent research has shown that it is a phenomenon more widespread than we tend to believe, that deserves to be explored in a special way. Through an examination of the literature on an international level, the present review aims to highlight the most relevant issues concerning the violence between siblings and its aftermath, from both the various forms it may take and its prevalence. The review also describes some theoretical perspectives that attempt to explain the causes of this important form of intra-family abuse. Copyright © FrancoAngeli.

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Author or Creator: 
D'Amico R.
Minenna C.
Franco Angeli, Milano , Italia
Maltrattamento e abuso dell'infanzia (Online) 15 (2013): 65–86.
info:cnr-pdr/source/autori:D'Amico R.; Minenna C./titolo:Violence between siblings: A neglected issue|La violenza tra fratelli e sorelle: Un problema sottovalutato/doi:/rivista:Maltrattamento e abuso dell'infanzia (Online)/anno:2013/pagina_da:65/pagina_a:
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Rita D'Amico's picture
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