
  • Eric  the largest database in the educational sciences, since 1966,  free access

  • ISI Journal Citation Report   (Impact Factor journals) tool for evaluating and comparing the scientific journal, on-line since 1999

  • ISI  Web of Science  considered the main tool for assessment of the citations: about 11,500 journals from 1970;  it indexes bibliographies from 2008,  it contains more than 100,000  conference proceedings

  • PsycINFO database of the American Psychological Association, provides access to international literature in psychology, behavioral sciences and related disciplines through  about 2500 sources, including magazines, books, theses, research reports and others. From 1840 to the present, access via userid and password

  • PubMed database of the National Library of  Medicine - National Institutes of  U.S.  Health,  free access

  • SCOPUS  Elsevier database for the citation and h-index of a given author